
Showing posts from December, 2020

8G Schedule December 14-18


8G Schedule


Information from Mercy B

With 90 years of experience and proven success, Mercy High School specializes in one thing...the formative education of confident and empowered young women! We are proud and privileged to see our students develop the skills to achieve success in college and beyond. If you have been considering the benefits of an all-girls Catholic school, now is the time to act! Considering how busy the month of December can be, we wanted to send a few reminders for upcoming deadlines and events: Applying Don't forget - Mercy's Early Bird Application Deadline is tomorrow, December 4th! All applications for our AMES program (Academic Mentoring and Educational Support for students with a diagnosed learning difference) should be received by this deadline. This is the opportunity to receive a discounted application fee of $85. After tomorrow, the application fee will increase. HSPT: not required Note: Final Application Deadline is January 8th. Transcripts and Recommendation For