Back-to-school night notes

 August 20th, 2020 7:45pm

Welcome - Miss Kane and Mrs White. 

Theme for the year - God is my strength and my shield.

8th Grade teachers /subjects

  • Religion / Religious Literature - Mrs White

  • Math - Miss Kane / Mrs White

  • Social Studies - Mr Kavanagh

  • ELA (grammar, writing, vocabulary, literature) - Miss Kane

  • Spanish - Miss Kane

Morning prayers - Miss Kane and Mrs White

Daily meeting - Miss Kane

Office hours - all teachers available

School counselor available: 

Zoom - will be used periodically throughout the day, with some camera-off time for independent work

Blog - communication with parents.

Any missing email addresses?

Google Classroom - communication with students; assignments. (No HW Planner this year).  

Weekly schedules will be posted on the blog every Monday morning. 

Newsletter -  make sure you are signed up to receive it.

Office forms that need to be returned are listed below:

High Schools - 

Research and keep options open. Not all schools suit all students! 

Catholic, Private, Charter, Public, Lowell

High School important dates

Students are In the research stage.

Keep options open.

Recommend making a clear list so not missing deadlines.

Make a calendar / Create a visual organizer.

Visit your preferred schools’ websites.

Research (virtual?) shadows, open houses,information evenings….

Do your research and keep a watchful eye on due dates. You will need to research open houses, call admission offices, get on websites directly.

Know when you can get an application, and when it is due.

Schedule SSAT.

HSPT is early December this year (earlier than usual).

Visits from schools TBD - usually in September, probably over Zoom.

Recommendation requests: 

ABC - independent and private schools for scholarships. Start the process!
The ABC website sends teachers requests but parents must start the process. Please send electronic forms, not paper. 

The Catholic schools contact the teacher directly for recommendations (January).

Ravenna - electronic system used by some schools. Again, put Miss Kane’s email address into the system to send electronic requests.

Pastor letters - requests to the pastor must come from you,not form the school. Give Fr. Marvin a stamped addressed envelope to make it easier for him. Look out for deadlines - give him lots of time. 

Lowell application has its own process. Applications can be printed from SFUSD.

Lowell doesn’t like to have anything emailed, it is a different process. Usually, everything has to be hand-delivered. Different this year? Lowell has its own entrance exam - check for dates. 

Students will make a resume (both written and video) - some schools allow students to add a video resume to their application.

Mrs Fitzpatrick uses it for recommendations too.

Things to think about (especially now):

How to push extra curriculars.

How to show leadership, wanting to help community, community outreach, sports, other activities. 

Schools score kids in these particular areas.

Students will need to get creative.

All of 7th grade and 1st trimester 8th grade grades will be sent in January, along with STAR test results. 

2nd and 3rd trimester grades are sent in May. Schools don’t want to see an obvious slip from the 1st trimester. 


Check out - they have given scholarships to our students in the past.

QUESTIONS - I have sent emails and will let you know when I get answers :)

 Student council?

 Mock trial?

Are high schools being more lenient? 

HSPT? Is it happening? Is it being given the same importance as before?


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